
State Government Research Expertise

What is State Government Research Expertise?

Regardless of topic or research methodology, state government research poses some very specific challenges. Key among them is the pressing need for genuine objectivity in the findings. Results must not only be reliable but robust enough to withstand scrutiny from a myriad of stakeholders, each approaching the data with their own lens. Moreover, the research design should be tailored to encompass the broadest representation of the target population, all while being mindful of budgetary constraints.

A paramount requirement is clarity in communication. Utilizing straightforward, clear, and unambiguous language ensures that participants, irrespective of their linguistic background or educational level, comprehend the research questions consistently.


Reliable & robust

Target population

Budget constraints

Clarify in communication

Having spent over two decades serving local, state, and federal government research needs, Taverner Research has extensive experience covering a wide variety of methodologies. Research projects for state government departments and utilities have become a mainstay of our operations. This consistent engagement underscores Taverner’s considerable grasp of the intricacies, cultural nuances, and challenges that accompany state government research.

For many years, Taverner Research has proudly partnered with high profile entities such as Transport for NSW (TfNSW), The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), the NSW Environment Planning Authority (EPA), NSW Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Safe Work NSW, Local Land Services, and Sydney Water.

Some of the clients we are proud to work with:

Our longstanding collaboration with TfNSW spans over a decade, during which we’ve been instrumental in gauging customer satisfaction across a plethora of transit modes and hundreds of routes. Similarly, our comprehensive research initiatives with the DPE encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from developmental facets and climate change considerations to intricate matters of water allocation and waste management strategies. Additionally, our dedicated annual intercept survey programs assist the Department of Communities and Justice in obtaining a deeper insight into the public’s experience within the judicial system.

State Government FAQs

From which NSW Government procurement panels can Taverner Research be engaged?

Taverner Research, operating under Tobumo Pty Ltd, holds prequalification within the Performance and Management Services Scheme (SCM0005), a scheme accessible to the entirety of the NSW government and overseen by NSW Procurement at Additionally, Taverner (Tobumo Pty Ltd) is a recognized member of the Transport Survey and Fieldwork Services Panel, facilitated by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Does Taverner Research fall under the SME category as per the NSW Government's Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy?

Yes, we do. Taverner Research, with approximately 50 FTEs, is classified as a medium-sized enterprise. This positioning allows government departments and affiliated agencies to collaborate with Taverner, adhering to the ‘SME first’ directive of the procurement guidelines.

What differentiates state government research from other research variants?

Research commissioned by the state government gravitates towards objectivity, rigour, and inclusivity. Although these traits should be foundational to all research undertakings, governmental bodies place an amplified emphasis on equity, inclusiveness, and the reliability of the findings to withstand external examinations. The high stakes associated with these projects mean that state governments lean heavily into ensuring top-tier methodology and questionnaire designs. Settling for anything less than perfection is not the norm at this echelon of decision-making.

Why does a significant portion of state government research continue to be CATI (telephone)-based?

While a fraction of government research has transitioned to online panels, the emphasis remains on acquiring precise, rather than just cost-effective and expedient results. CATI stands out as the solitary methodology that doesn’t rely on self-selection, offering insights into the perspectives of the “silent majority” – those vital members of the community who infrequently partake in research but play a pivotal role in shaping cogent public planning. Additionally, given that numerous governmental research initiatives focus on specific geographic zones, CATI often emerges as the solitary means to procure a statistically relevant sample size, especially when delving into narrower regions or subsections.

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