
Online Market Research

What is Online Market Research?

Online market research is an effective tool for collecting the important data needed to make sound business decisions. By gathering vital information and preferences about your target group, product, or market, you’ll have valuable insights into what works for your brand.

Online market research uses both primary and secondary data from the internet to support research or expand knowledge. The information gathered through this process can be used to impact your brand’s sales strategy and targets or uncover markets that are ripe for entry.

But market research can be used for more than just developing marketing strategies. In addition to uncovering new markets and areas for growth, online market research can provide powerful insight into what your customers want.

Online market research is used to gather data systematically about people, companies, or a market. This data is then analysed to better understand the needs of that group of people or market. With this information, you’ll be able to better understand your customer’s behaviour and find new revenue opportunities.

There are many more valuable uses for online market research, including:

See which of your advertising strategies perform well

Find the best marketing channels for your brand

Track consumer journeys

Understand market dynamics and spot trends

Explore new markets

Research potential product or service improvements

Analyse a target audience

Competitor research

Market Research Explained

Traditional market research involved going door-to-door and interviewing potential buyers and clients. Today, this market research can be completed online in a faster and more cost-effective process.

Market research consists of primary and secondary research. Primary research involves collecting data first-hand through surveys, customer interviews, and focus groups. Thanks to advancements in technology, much of this research can now be completed online.

Secondary research involves analysing data that was collected by someone else, such as government statistics, media outlets, industry reports and statistics. This type of online market research is also called ‘desk research’ and it’s a tried and tested method for obtaining insights into market trends, consumers, competitors, or products.

While gathering data is an important part of the process, the data must then be analysed. A research expert experienced in market analysis can find important patterns and trends in the data that can be used to learn about your customers and competitors and develop effective strategies to grow your business.

What are the Benefits of Online Market Research?

Online market research allows businesses to arm themselves with the facts they need to build effective marketing strategies and convert potential customers.

Here are some of the many benefits of online marketing research:


Global Reach

You can gain insight into markets all over the globe without having to be in any physical location


Faster Data Collection

No longer tied to traditional face-to-face methods, you can receive the data you need faster than with traditional research methods



Online market research allows you to gather data directly from your target audience, saving you time and money



You can tailor your market research to specific customer demographics or language preferences

Our Custom Approach To Market Research

Accurate information is vital for building a successful business. If you want to fend off competitors and build a competitive advantage, you need accurate data that you can trust.

At the Taverner Research Group, we offer innovative online market research services perfectly tailored to your business and its goals. Our focus on problem-solving means we ask the questions needed to understand the concerns that are driving your research needs.

Once we understand the business context that the research results will be used within, our experienced researchers develop a custom research program from our methodology, tool, and resource ‘toolbox’.

With our ‘full service’ plan, we can design a research program specifically tailored to your business needs. Our highly trained experts can then implement this program to ensure accuracy. Once this is concluded our team of analysts will be able to effectively work through the data and provide you with comprehensive reports on their findings.

Alternatively, our team can collect the data required for your team to analyse internally. We also offer the option for us to simply analyse data if you already have it available.

As a leading Australian online market research company, our goal is to truly understand your business and its goals. From small-scale projects to projects with 40,000+ completes per year, we can provide the data you need to make critical decisions within your business or organisation.

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Learn More About Our Market Research Services

Taverner Research Group is a full-service, Australian-owned, market research services agency. As a leader in market research since 1995, we can provide the quality data you need to grow your business.

The services we provide range from high-level consulting with large-scale methodology and strategic analysis to data collection and desk research.

To find out more about our innovative market research services, contact us below.

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